Selectable List View In Flutter

Hitesh Verma
2 min readApr 27, 2020


This article will help, if you are developing a flutter application that needs to select the list items, like in a chat-app to delete the selected chats, or in a todo-app to remove or tick the selected todos.

Find the updated article here.

Image displaying  the final application for selecting list items.

STEP 1: Place your ListView inside a Stateful Widget

This step is although not necessary if you are using some state managements other than setState() like Bloc, or Provider.

I have chosen the setState() state management with Stateful Widget for simplicity.

class SelectListItem extends StatefulWidget{


_SelectListItemState createState() => _SelectListItemState();


class _SelectListItemState extends State<SelectListItem>{


Widget build(BuildContext context) {

return MaterialApp(

home: Scaffold(

appBar: AppBar(title: Text(‘Select List Items’)),

body: ListView()


STEP 2: Add items to your ListView

Here I’m using the ListView builder (instead of ListView above) to generate list-items for me, which are nothing but text widgets displaying the index of the builder function.

body: ListView.builder(

itemCount: 10,

itemBuilder: (context, index){

return ListTile(title: Text(‘$index’));



STEP 3: Create a list variable to store the data of selected list-items

Remember! the data you are storing must be unique to a list-item. This will act as an identifier to select or unselect a specific list-item.

In my case, the index of each item would be unique. So, I’m creating a list of integers to store selected list-items.

List<int> _selectedItems = List<int>();

STEP 4: Now add list-item to our selected-items list on ListTile long-press and change the state (use for changing the state is revealed at step 6)

onLongPress: (){

if(! _selectedItems.contains(index)){

setState(() {





STEP 5: Add onTap function of ListTile to remove the selected item and change the state (use for changing the state is revealed at next step)

onTap: (){


setState(() {

_selectedItems.removeWhere((val) => val == index);




STEP 6: Wrap the ListTile is a Container to visually separate the selected items from the unselected ones, by changing the color of the Container.


color: (_selectedItems.contains(index))


: Colors.transparent,

child: ListTile( …… )


All Done! Now you can use the _selectedItems list, to perform some operation on selected items.

Get full source code from here.

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